I came across an interesting post today: http://scobleizer.com/2009/05/29/kara-is-wrong-about-2010web/. Scoble’s point is there’s no “web3.0” but there are several key trends that are making the web different today.
The things that are happening are NOT just Twitter and search. Here, let me recount again what is making up the 2010 Web:
1. Real Time. Google caught the Wave of that trend today BIG TIME.
2. Mobile. Google, again, caught that wave big time Wednesday when it handed Android phones to everyone at its IO conference.
3. Decentralized. Does Microsoft or Twitter demonstrate that trend? Not really well.
4. Pre-made blocks. I call this “copy-and-paste” programming. Google nailed it with its Web Elements (I’ll add a few of those next week).
5. Social. Oh, have you noticed how much more social the web is? The next two days I’m hanging out on an aircraft carrier with a few people who do social media for the Navy.
6. Smart. Wolfram Alpha opened a lot of people’s eyes to what is possible in new smart displays of information.
7. Hybrid infrastructure. At the Twitter Conference this week lots of people were talking about how they were using both traditional servers along with cloud-based approaches from Amazon and Rackspace to store, study, and process the sizeable datasets that are coming through Twitter, Facebook, and friendfeed.
How is this relevant for Network Intelligence Technology?
- Real Time: need to identify real-time data and metadata,
- Decentralized: need to both manage infrastructure and maintain visibility and control over communication when you can’t “be there”
- Pre-made blocks: this exactly what the Qosmos model - providing enabling technology to ISVs, SIs and developers. With ixEngine 5.0, we just announced broader protocol support and easier customization with the Protocol Plug-in API.
- Smart: on the broadest level, Qosmos technology makes the network itself more intelligent and more of a “participant” in the information delivery process. In ixEngine 5.0, the Sessionizer organizes data flows in logical and flexible ways so that people can make more sense of the communication flying around the web.
It is nice to see that Qosmos not only captures the wave of the evolving web, but our technology is actually enabling this evolution!