Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Network Intelligence: Coming Back to Qosmos

It is interesting to see the increasing interest for embedding network intelligence software into solutions. At Qosmos, we have been speaking to network equipment suppliers, ISVs and systems integrators for years. Which means that many of them have known us for years. However, during the initial discussions, many of them tell us that they have DPI skills internally, and while Qosmos technology is really impressive, they don’t need to source externally. “No problem”, we say, “but don’t hesitate to contact Qosmos if you change your mind”.
We now see more and more companies coming back to Qosmos.
Why do they come back to us? The reasons are simple:
  • They find it increasing difficult to keep up with ever-changing protocols and applications
  • They face challenges in scaling existing solution to network speeds beyond Gbps
  • Resource constraints force them to focus all their energy on their core business (which is typically to build solutions, not enabling technology like DPI or Network Intelligence)
This is typical for new high-tech markets: initially, high-tech vendors will build everything in-house, because 1) it’s not too difficult and 2) there are no external suppliers. Think of databases: initially, all IT vendors built their own databases in-house (for example IBM DB2). Then vendors moved to source database technology from specialists like Sybase, Informix or Oracle. Same thing for micro-processors, which was initially developed internally by computer vendors, but is now sourced from specialists Intel and AMD.
There is now a similar trend with DPI and network intelligence technology: the market is shaping up for the benefit of everyone.
Welcome back : we are happy to work with you!

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