Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Network Intelligence market is taking off

Brian Partridge, VP at Yankee Group, just published a new Anchor Report called Network Intelligence Is Key to Profiting From Anywhere Demand.

It is an interesting document, which clearly explains the key role of network intelligence (NI) for billing, charging, revenue assurance and bandwidth management. In particular, Brian points out that NI is becoming a key enabling technology, as illustrated by the following excerpts from the report:

“In the past, network equipment and solution vendors have typically developed their DPI technology internally, but today we observe a major trend toward outsourcing. Providing effective NI technology is an expertise in itself, and network equipment vendors can no longer afford to do it in house.”

“By using proven tool kits from third-party specialists, vendors can improve development efficiency and time to market of new products and keep existing products updated in terms of feature enhancements such as new protocol support.”

At Qosmos, we see also beyond billing and bandwidth management: our daily activity shows that NI is also becoming crucial for other applications such as market research or cyber security.

Just more proof that the market for network intelligence technology is taking off!


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